ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, kiddo! So, PubPeer is a website where scientists and researchers share and discuss their work. Think of it like show and tell - but for really smart grown-ups who study things like cells and chemicals.

When scientists do research, they write up their findings in a document called a paper. These papers are then published in science journals for other scientists to read and learn from. PubPeer is a website where people can read these papers and share their thoughts and comments about them.

Sometimes, people might have questions or concerns about the research that was done in the paper. They might notice something that doesn't seem quite right, or they might think that the scientists made a mistake. So, they can post their thoughts and comments on PubPeer for everyone to see.

The cool thing is that the scientists who wrote the paper can also see these comments and respond to them. This helps them to improve their research and make sure that it's accurate and reliable.

In summary, PubPeer is a website where scientists share their papers and people can ask questions and share their thoughts about the research. It helps scientists to improve their work and make sure that it's correct.