ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Public interest technology

Public interest technology is when people who are good at using computers and other technology work together to make things that are helpful for everyone. They might make apps or websites that help people find jobs or get access to healthcare, or they might make tools that help governments work better for their citizens.

These people are like the superheroes of technology, because instead of using their powers to make money for themselves, they use their powers to make the world a better place. They work with communities and groups of people to figure out what problems need solving, and then they use their technology skills to come up with solutions.

Imagine you're at home and you need help with something. You can look it up on your computer or phone and find information to help you. Public interest technology is all about making sure that everyone can access that kind of helpful information, no matter where they are or what they need.

By working on public interest technology projects, these tech superheroes are making the world a better place for everyone, especially people who might not have as many resources or opportunities as others.