ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Public participation in patent examination

When someone invents something new, they can apply for a patent to protect their invention. A patent is like a special certificate that says they are the only ones who can make or sell their invention.

Now, when the person applies for a patent, there are people called patent examiners who look at the application to make sure it meets certain rules and requirements.

Sometimes, other people want to give their opinion or share something important about the patent application. This is where public participation comes in.

Public participation means that anyone can give their input or feedback about the patent application. For example, if someone thinks the invention is very similar to something already invented, they can tell the patent examiners so they can take that into consideration.

People can participate in different ways. They can write letters, emails or fill out forms explaining why they think the invention should or shouldn't be patented.

Public participation is important because it helps make sure that the patent examiners have all the information they need to make the right decision about the patent application. It also helps people feel like they have a say in what inventions can or can't be made or sold.