ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Public toilet

Okay, imagine you are playing at a park with your friends and suddenly you feel the need to go potty. But there's no bathroom around! That's where a public toilet comes in handy. It's a special room designed for people to go potty when they're out and about.

A public toilet usually has a door that you can lock from the inside to keep others from accidentally walking in on you. Inside, you'll find a toilet which is like a special bowl that you sit on to go potty. After you finish, you'll need to press a button or pull a lever on the side of the toilet to make water come out and wash everything away. This process is called flushing.

Don't forget to wash your hands! Usually, there will be a sink with running water and soap. You'll need to wet your hands with the water, add some soap, and rub them together for about 20 seconds. This will get rid of all the germs and make sure your hands are clean.

Finally, there will be a place to throw away any dirty paper or tissue that you used to clean yourself after going potty. This is important because you don't want to leave any messes behind for others to clean up.

So, that's what a public toilet is. It's a special room where you can go potty and take care of business when you're out and about. Just remember to be clean and courteous to others who might need to use it after you.
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