ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pulled wool

Have you ever seen sheep and noticed that they have a lot of fluffy fur all over their bodies? Well, that fluffy fur is called wool. People have been using wool from sheep for a very long time to make things like clothes, blankets, and even carpets.

But have you ever wondered how people get the wool from the sheep? It's called shearing. Just like when you go to get a haircut, sheep also need to get their wool cut, but instead of using scissors like we do, the wool from sheep is pulled off in a process called shearing.

First, the sheep are rounded up and brought to a special place called a shearing shed. This is like a big building where the shearing happens. The sheep are not hurt during this process, and they are also kept safe and comfortable.

Inside the shearing shed, there are special people called shearers who do the job. They are very skilled at working with the sheep and making sure that they stay calm and relaxed. It's almost like giving the sheep a nice massage!

The shearer uses electric clippers, kind of like a big and noisy hair trimmer, to carefully and gently remove the wool from the sheep's body. They make sure not to cut the sheep's skin because that would hurt them. The sheep might feel a bit ticklish or strange, but it doesn't hurt.

Once all the wool is off, the shearers put the wool carefully into bags. It's like our clothes go into a laundry basket. These bags full of wool are then sent to factories where the wool is processed, cleaned, and made into different things like sweaters, hats, and scarves.

So, when you see something made out of wool, you can now remember that it comes from sheep. And it's thanks to people who take good care of the sheep and gently remove their wool so that we can have warm and cozy things to wear.
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