ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Punk house

Okay kiddo, so a punk house is a place where lots of punk rockers live together. They usually have shows, parties, and stuff like that.

Punk rockers are people who like to listen to really loud music that has fast guitar and drum sounds. They like to wear clothes that are all black and have spikes or chains on them. They also have funny hair styles, like mohawks or colorful dye.

When they live together in a punk house, they share things like food, clothes, and sometimes even their music gear. They might have a big room with a stage and speakers where they can have concerts and invite other punk rockers to come play.

Punk houses can be really cool and fun, but they can also be messy and noisy. It's not for everyone, but for punk rockers, it's a great way to be part of a community and express themselves.