Hey there little one! Do you know what puranas are? They are ancient texts that have lots of interesting stories about many different things like gods and goddesses, kings and queens, and even animals.
These puranas were written in a very long time ago in a language called Sanskrit. They were written to explain and teach people about different things in life like how to live a good life, how to behave properly, and also to tell stories about important events and characters in Indian culture.
One of the most famous puranas is called the Bhagavata Purana, which tells lots of stories about different gods and goddesses, like Lord Vishnu and his many avatars. Another famous one is the Shiv Purana, which tells the story of Lord Shiva and his adventures.
People still read these puranas today to learn about their culture and their beliefs. They also like to read them for entertainment since they are full of exciting and intriguing stories that can teach important life lessons.