ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Purple noise

Okay kiddo, let's talk about purple noise. You know how you hear different sounds around you like birds chirping, cars honking, and people talking? Well, all of those sounds have different frequencies, which means how many times the sound waves go up and down in a second.

Purple noise is a type of sound that has a very special pattern of frequencies. It's called "purple" because it sits between two other types of noises called "pink" and "blue" on a color spectrum.

Purple noise is a little more complicated than pink or blue noise, which only have certain frequencies. With purple noise, the frequencies get bigger and bigger as you go higher up in pitch. This means there are more and more up-and-down waves happening in each second. That makes it sound like a deep rumbling sound, like when you hear thunder in the distance.

Some people like to listen to purple noise when they want to relax or fall asleep because it can be soothing. But remember, always listen at a safe volume, and be sure to take breaks from listening to any kind of sound for a while.
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