ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Push press

A push press is when you lift a heavy weight over your head by pushing it up with your arms and using your legs to help you. It's like when you're playing with a big ball and you need to push it up into the air. You use your arms and your legs to give it a big push and get it up high.

When you do a push press, you start by holding a heavy weight called a barbell on your shoulders. You bend your knees and push your hips back, like you're sitting down in a chair. Then, you use your legs to push yourself up quickly and at the same time, you push the weight up over your head with your arms.

It's important to remember to keep your core, which is the muscles in your stomach and back, really tight. This will help you lift the weight safely and with good form. The push press is a great exercise for building strong shoulders, legs, and core.