ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A pyrgeometer is a special tool that scientists use to measure how much heat is coming from the sun and the sky. It looks like a tiny spaceship with a long tail that points up to the sky.

The tail on the pyrgeometer is actually a very sensitive sensor that can detect heat radiation. This is important because heat is a type of energy that we can't see with our eyes, but it's still very important to study.

The pyrgeometer is placed outside and pointed upwards so that it can measure the heat radiation coming from the sky. It's like a very sensitive thermometer that can tell us how hot the sky is. Scientists use this information to understand things like climate change and the weather.

So, basically, a pyrgeometer is a special tool that helps scientists measure heat radiation from the sky, and this information is used to help us understand more about the world around us.
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