ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A radiometer is a special tool that can help us understand how much light is coming from different sources. Imagine you are standing outside on a sunny day and you hold up a toy windmill with four little blades that spin around. The light from the sun makes the blades spin around, just like how wind would make a real windmill spin around.

The blades on a radiometer are a bit like the toy windmill. They are made of a special material that is very sensitive to light. When light hits the blades, they start to spin around. The faster they spin, the more light there is.

Scientists use radiometers to measure the amount of light coming from things like the sun, stars or even electronic devices. They can then use this information to learn more about different objects in space or to help make sure electronic devices are working properly.

So, just like a toy windmill, a radiometer can help us learn more about the world around us by using the power of light.