ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, kiddo! QA/QC is like when you make a picture in school.

First, you draw it and color it in with your crayons. This is like QA, which stands for quality assurance. You are making sure your picture looks how you want it to, and you haven't made any mistakes.

Next, your teacher will check your picture to make sure it's the best it can be. This is like QC, which stands for quality control. Your teacher is making sure that your picture is good enough to put on the wall, or to take home to mom and dad.

So, QA/QC is when you make sure you're doing something right, and then someone else checks it to make sure it's really good. It happens in lots of things, like making pictures, but also in big things like building bridges or making medicine. It's important because it helps make sure things are safe and work the way they're supposed to.