ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

QRA locator

Okay kiddo, a QRA Locator is like a secret code that helps people find each other in a big game of hide and seek, but instead of hiding, they are playing a game with radios.

When someone talks to another person using a radio, they need to know where that person is so they can point the radio antenna in the right direction. The QRA Locator helps with this by dividing the whole world into squares and giving each square a special code.

For example, you might live in a square with the code "FN-20", which means that square is located in a certain part of the world. When you talk to someone on the radio, you can tell them your QRA Locator code so they can use a map to find your square and turn their antenna towards your direction, making it easier to hear you.

So, it's like a special code for radio players to help them find each other in a big game of radio hide and seek. Cool, huh?