ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Think of quasispecies like a team of very tiny and very busy workers who are always working hard to copy their DNA genetic material. Each worker is unique and slightly different from one another. Sometimes, when they copy their DNA, they make mistakes, like misspelling or adding extra letters in their genetic code.

Now, imagine that these workers are living in a big, crowded city, where they are around other quasispecies workers all the time. They are always interacting with one another, sharing genetic material and making more mistakes as they copy that genetic material.

Because there are so many workers and they are always making mistakes, these quasispecies populations are always changing and evolving. Over time, some workers may become better at copying their genetic material without mistakes, while others might become worse at it.

This constant evolution and change within the quasispecies population can lead to the emergence of new, different strains of the virus or bacteria that the workers represent. This is because the genetic material of each worker is slightly different, so when new workers emerge that are better at copying that genetic material, they can start to dominate the population and change the overall genetic makeup of the quasispecies.

In summary, quasispecies are like a team of tiny workers constantly copying their genetic material and making mistakes along the way. Their interactions with one another can lead to the emergence of new strains of viruses or bacteria, as the best copiers come out on top and start to dominate the population.