ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


When you want a job, you need to show the boss that you are the right person to hire. One way to do this is by making a résumé.

A résumé is like a special paper that tells the boss all about you. It's like a list of all the cool things and skills that you can do, so the boss knows why you would be the perfect person for the job.

To make a résumé, you need to write down your name and contact information at the top, like your phone number and email address. Then you need to write down all of the jobs or activities you have done before. This can be things like volunteering, doing chores, or working part-time jobs.

It's important to write down what you did at each job or activity, like "I helped customers find what they were looking for" or "I ran errands for my boss." This way, the boss knows what you can do and how you can help their company.

You also need to write down any special skills you have. Maybe you are really good at talking to people or working with computers. This is important because the boss will want to know what you are good at so they can give you the right job.

Lastly, you can write down any awards or certificates you have received. This shows the boss that you work hard and are good at what you do.

Once you have written everything down, you have a résumé! Now, you can give this paper to the boss so they can see why you are the perfect person for the job.