ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

RESIST (electoral list)

When people want to vote in an election, they need to pick who they want to vote for. One way they can do this is by choosing from a list of people who are running for different positions. This list is called an electoral list.

Sometimes, a group of people might not agree with any of the options on the electoral list. Maybe they don't like the people running, or they don't think any of them will represent their interests well. When this happens, they might choose to resist the electoral list.

To "resist" means to fight against something, or to not cooperate with it. In this case, people who resist the electoral list might choose to boycott the election - this means they won't vote at all. Or, they might choose to write in a different candidate's name instead of picking someone from the electoral list.

Overall, resisting the electoral list is a way for people to express their dissatisfaction with the options they're given in an election. It's a way for them to say, "We don't like any of these choices, and we want something different."