ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Rot13 is a secret code that turns every letter into another letter in the alphabet. It's like playing a fun game of replacing letters with other letters!

For example, when you write the letter A using Rot13, it becomes N. And similarly, when you write the letter N using Rot13, it becomes A.

The code is very simple to use. You just need to take each letter of a word or phrase and replace it with the corresponding letter that comes 13 places later or before in the alphabet. If you reach the end of the alphabet, you simply start again from the beginning.

So, if you want to write "HELLO" in Rot13, you would replace each letter with the corresponding letter that comes 13 places later, i.e. URYYB.

Rot13 is a secret code because if someone doesn't know the code, it's very hard for them to read or understand what you're writing. However, it's not a very secure code because anyone who knows about it can easily decode it.
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