ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


RTCP stands for Real-time Transport Control Protocol. It's like a helper that helps make sure that a video or audio call between two people is working well.

Imagine you and your friend are on a call, but your friend's voice sounds far away and you can't hear clearly what they are saying. RTCP helps to figure out why this is happening and what can be done to fix it.

RTCP sends messages between you and your friend's devices to share information about how the call is going. For example, it might tell you how much delay there is between your friend's voice and when you hear it - this is called latency. It might also tell you how often packets of data are being lost, and how much data is being sent and received on the call.

Based on this information, your device can decide if it needs to adjust the settings of the call to make it better. For example, it might increase or decrease the amount of data being sent or change the way that data is being transmitted.

So basically, RTCP helps to make sure that you and your friend can hear each other well on a call and adjusts things behind the scenes to make it work better.