ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Race Life of the Aryan Peoples

Aryan peoples are a group of people who lived in parts of Europe and Asia thousands of years ago. They are famous for building large cities, being skilled at trading, and having powerful armies. Their culture was centered around family life, and was taught from one generation to the next through stories and songs. They believed in many gods, and had their own unique language, art, and religion. The Aryan peoples were believed to have come from northern Europe, and spread across what is now Iran and India. They were known for their physical strength and intelligence, and were skilled horsesmen and hunters. Their way of life declined as the Islamic Empires grew and pushed into their territory, and many of the Aryan peoples were forced to move to remote areas or adapt to the new culture. Eventually, the Aryan peoples faded away into history, and their culture and language are only remembered in stories and legends.