ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Racism in the Palestinian territories

Okay kiddo, let me explain what racism is first. Racism is when someone believes that some people are better than others because they belong to a certain race or group of people. This belief can cause people to be treated unfairly and differently because of the color of their skin or the way they look.

Now let's talk about Palestine. Palestine is a place where many people live, and they belong to different groups, including Jews, Arabs, and other ethnicities. Unfortunately, some people in Palestine believe that certain groups are better than others, and this leads to racism.

In Palestine, there is a conflict between Jews and Palestinians. Some people believe that Jews are better than Palestinians, and this belief can lead to discrimination and even violence against Palestinians. This is not fair and causes a lot of problems for everyone who lives there.

Just like any other place in the world, racism is wrong and unfair. People should be treated equally, no matter where they come from or what they look like. It's important to be kind and respectful to everyone, no matter their race or ethnicity.