ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Radappertization is a process that uses radiation to make food safer to eat and last longer.

Imagine you have a piece of bread and you want to keep it for as long as possible, but you don't want it to go bad and make you sick. Radappertization can help with that!

What happens is that the bread (or any other food) is put in a special container and exposed to radiation, which kills all the bad germs and bacteria that might make it go bad. This is kind of like when you wash your hands to get rid of germs, but on a bigger scale.

But don't worry, the radiation doesn't make the food dangerous or poisonous. It just gets rid of the stuff that could make you sick.

So, radappertization makes food safer to eat and stay fresh for longer. It's like having a superhero that protects your food from bad guys!
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