ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Radurization is when we use radiation to make food safe to eat.

Imagine that you have a cookie that you want to eat, but it might have some germs or bacteria on it that could make you sick. Your mom doesn’t want you to get sick, so she puts the cookie in the microwave for a few seconds. The microwave makes the cookie hot, and it kills all the germs and bacteria on it.

Radurization is kind of like that, but instead of using a microwave, we use special machines that give off radiation. The radiation goes into the food and kills all the germs and bacteria that could make us sick.

But don’t worry, the radiation doesn’t make the food radioactive or dangerous for us to eat. It just makes it safe for us to eat.

So, when you buy food from the store and it says it has been “radurized,” you can know that it is safe to eat because all the bad germs and bacteria have been killed.