ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Radio band

Okay kiddo, you know how we can talk to each other by talking out loud? Well, there's a way to talk to people who are far away without yelling or shouting. It's called a radio.

But different radios have different ways of talking. Imagine a bunch of people with different accents trying to talk to each other. They might have trouble understanding each other. That's kind of like how radios need to stay organized so they can talk to the right people.

That's where the radio band comes in. It's like a special playground just for radios. It's divided into different sections like different swings or slides on a playground. Each section is only for certain types of radios. That way they don't get in each other's way and can talk to who they need to talk to.

Some sections of the radio band are for talking to airplanes or weather stations. Others are for cell phones or walkie-talkies. Each type of radio has a spot on the playground that they're allowed to play in.

So next time you see a radio, remember that it has to play by the rules of the radio band to talk to the right people.