ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, do you like trains? Well, a railway is like a special path that trains use to travel. It's a bit like a road for cars, but only trains are allowed on it.

A railway is made up of two shiny metal strips called rails. The rails are laid out in a long line, and they run parallel to each other. Trains have wheels with a special shape that fits perfectly on the rails.

When a train wants to travel on the railway, it needs a special engine called a locomotive. The locomotive pulls the train along the rails, just like your car pulls you along the road.

But here's the cool thing about a railway: it can go up and down hills because it's elevated off the ground! This makes it easy for trains to go from one place to another, even if the ground is not flat.

Trains can carry lots of things like people, animals, and even heavy cargo. Railways are really important because they make it easy to transport things over long distances.

So, there you have it, kiddo. A railway is a special path for trains to travel on, made up of shiny metal rails that go up and down hills. It helps us transport things over long distances.