ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ram air turbine

Hello, kiddo! Today we're going to talk about something called a RAM air turbine.

Have you ever seen a windmill before? You know, those big tall things with blades that spin around in the wind? Well, a RAM air turbine is kind of like a windmill for airplanes.

You see, when an airplane is flying through the air, it's also pushing air out of the way. This creates a force called drag, which can slow the plane down. But what if we could use that drag to our advantage?

That's where the RAM air turbine comes in. It's a little turbine (like a tiny windmill) that's mounted on the outside of the airplane. As the plane flies through the air, the turbine blades spin around, generating power.

This power can be used to run things like the plane's electrical systems or the hydraulic pumps that control the landing gear and flaps. Think of it like a little extra generator that helps keep the plane running smoothly.

So there you have it, kiddo. A RAM air turbine is a little windmill that helps airplanes generate extra power while they're flying through the air. Pretty cool, huh?