ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rapid Prompting Method

Rapid prompting method is a way for people who have difficulty with communication to express themselves by pointing to words or letters on a board with the help of another person.

Imagine you want to tell your friend what you want to eat for breakfast, but you cannot speak. You might use a board with pictures or words of different foods, and someone else could hold the board up for you. You would point to the picture or word of the food you want to eat, and your friend would understand and make it for you. Rapid prompting method works similarly, except instead of pictures or words on a board, there might be letters or words on a piece of paper or on a tablet device.

Another person, called a facilitator, helps the person using rapid prompting method by holding up the paper or tablet device and asking questions or offering choices. The person using the method points to the words or letters to answer the questions or make choices. The facilitator does not tell the person what to say or choose but simply helps them communicate their own thoughts and ideas.

Rapid prompting method can be helpful for people who have difficulty with communication due to conditions such as autism or cerebral palsy. By using the method, they can express themselves more clearly and participate more fully in conversation and decision-making.