ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Restructured text is a way to write things down so that computers and people can easily understand them. It's like using special symbols and words to create a map or guide for someone to follow.

So, let's say you want to write a book about your favorite animal. You will need to organize your book into different sections, like the introduction or the chapter about what the animal eats. In restructured text, you use special symbols like "=" or "-" to create different levels of hierarchy for each section.

You can also use restructured text to add emphasis to certain words, create lists, or even add links and images to your writing. All of these symbols and words are easy to understand by both humans and computers, which makes it easy to share your work online or in a document.

So, in summary, restructured text is a way to organize your writing using special symbols and words that make your work easy to read and understand for both people and computers.