ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Real time locating

Okay kiddo, imagine you're playing hide-and-seek with your friends. You hide behind a tree and your friends start looking for you. Imagine if there was a magic device that could tell your friends exactly where you are hiding in real time, without them having to look around for you? That's what real-time locating is all about!

Real-time locating is a special technology that helps us find things or people quickly and easily. It's like a fancy GPS tracker that can tell you exactly where someone or something is located at all times. This can be really helpful in lots of different situations.

For example, some companies use real-time locating to keep track of their inventory. They stick tiny trackers on all their products and can see where everything is at all times. This helps them know when they need to order more supplies and helps them keep track of their stock.

Real-time locating can also be useful for keeping people safe. Some schools and hospitals use the technology to keep track of patients or students. If someone goes missing, the real-time locating device can help find them quickly and make sure they stay safe.

So, just like how your friends could find you quickly and easily with a magic device, real-time locating can help us find things and people quickly and easily too!