ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rear pressure bulkhead

Okay kiddo, let's talk about the back part of an airplane. The part of the airplane that you sit in is called the cabin. Behind the cabin, there's a wall that separates the cabin from the rest of the airplane. That wall is called the rear pressure bulkhead.

Now, airplanes need to fly very high, and the air up there is very thin. That means that there's not much air pushing against the outside of the airplane. But inside the airplane, we need air that's not too thin, so we can breathe comfortably. So, the airplane has special machines called air conditioning units that pump in the right amount of air.

Now, here's where the rear pressure bulkhead comes in. The air pressure inside the cabin is usually higher than the air pressure outside the airplane. That's because the air conditioning units are pumping in air. The rear pressure bulkhead is designed to keep that higher pressure inside the cabin from bursting the airplane's back end.

So, think of it like this: The rear pressure bulkhead is like a giant wall that lets air in but makes sure it doesn't burst through the back of the airplane. It keeps us safe and comfortable during the flight.