ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reasons to Believe

Reasons to believe are like clues that help us know if something is true or not. Just like when we play hide and seek and we follow the clues to find where our friend is hiding. When we want to believe something, we need to find reasons that support it.

For example, let's say we want to believe that it will rain today. We can look outside and see that the sky is dark and cloudy, which is a reason to believe that it might rain. We can also check the weather forecast, which says there is a high chance of rain today. These reasons give us confidence that it will rain.

Similarly, when we want to believe something about the world, we need to find reasons that support our belief. Maybe we believe that the earth is round because we have seen pictures of it from space, we have observed ships disappearing over the horizon, and we have read scientific articles explaining the facts about the earth's shape. All of these reasons give us confidence in our belief.

So, whenever we want to believe something, we should look for reasons to support it. And if we can't find good reasons, we should be open to changing our belief. Just like when we can't find our friend by following the clues, we need to keep looking for new clues until we find the truth.