ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, imagine you're making tea on the stove. You put a pot with water on the stove and wait for it to boil. Once it boils, you pour that hot water into a cup with a tea bag and let it steep.

Now, imagine you want to keep making more tea, but you don't want to wait for the water to boil on the stove every time. That's where a reboiler comes in!

A reboiler is like a special kind of pot that you put on the stove. It doesn't have any water in it - instead, it has something that's already boiling, like steam or vapor. When you put that reboiler pot on the stove, the heat from the stove makes the steam even hotter and makes it boil even more.

Then, you can use that super hot steam to make more tea - you might put another pot filled with water on top of the reboiler, and the heat from the steam will make it boil faster than it would on the stove alone.

So a reboiler is basically a special pot that helps make things boil faster and hotter, which can be really useful if you need to make a lot of something quickly.
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