ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reconciliation of European Histories Group

Have you ever gotten into an argument with one of your friends? Maybe you both did something you didn't like, or said something mean. Sometimes, it's hard to be friends again after that happens. But if you both sit down and talk about what happened, and say sorry for what you did wrong, that's called reconciliation.

The Reconciliation of European Histories Group is like a group of friends trying to make up after a really big argument. Except in this case, the argument happened a long time ago. Many years ago, there were some wars and political things that happened in Europe that caused a lot of people to get hurt and upset. Different countries had different ideas about what they wanted, and sometimes they fought with each other to get what they wanted.

Now, years later, the countries that were involved in those wars and political things want to make up with each other, just like friends who've had a fight. The Reconciliation of European Histories Group is helping them do that. They're doing things like talking to each other, saying sorry for the things they did wrong, and working together to make sure that nothing like those wars and political things happen again.

It's a big job, but they think it's really important to try to be friends again, so that everyone can be happy and safe in Europe.