ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Record linkage problem

Okay kiddo, let me explain record linkage problem in a way you can understand. Do you know what a record is? It's like a special card or file that has information about a person, like their name, age, and address. Companies and government agencies keep lots of records about people, and sometimes they need to connect those records together to make sure they're talking about the same person. For example, if someone moves to a new address, their old record might still be in the system, but they need to make sure they have the new record too.

This is where record linkage problem comes in. It's like a big puzzle where you have to match up all the different records that belong to the same person. But it can be tricky because people's names might be spelled differently or they might have different addresses or phone numbers. So how do you know which records belong to the same person?

Some smart people have come up with ways to solve this problem using computer programs. They look at all the information in the records and try to find patterns that show which ones belong together. It's like looking for clues in a mystery story. Once they find enough clues, they can link the records together and make sure they're all talking about the same person.

This is really important because it helps companies and government agencies keep track of important information about people, like their health records, financial information, and criminal history. So, record linkage problem is like solving a big puzzle to make sure everyone's important information is connected and accurate!