ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Recreational dive sites

Imagine you're going on a big adventure under the sea! When we "dive" in the water, we swim with special equipment, called scuba gear, to help us breathe and move around.

But where do we go when we dive? Well, just like how you might go to different playgrounds or parks to play, divers go to different places in the ocean to explore. These places are called "dive sites."

Some dive sites are just regular parts of the ocean, where divers can swim around and look at fish and coral. Other dive sites are special because they have something cool to look at, like a shipwreck or a special underwater cave.

But not all dive sites are easy or safe for everyone to visit. Some might be too deep for beginner divers, or have strong currents that can push us around. That's why it's important for divers to choose dive sites that match their skill level, to make sure they have a fun and safe adventure!