ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Red lemonade

Okay kiddo, so you know how lemonade is usually yellow, right? Well, sometimes people add something to it to make it turn red. That’s what red lemonade is.

So, how do they make it red? They usually add some kind of coloring to it. This coloring can come from things like beet juice or food dye. They put just a little bit in to make the lemonade turn red but not too much because we don’t want to make the drink too bright or artificial-looking.

One important thing to remember is that just because it’s called “red lemonade” doesn’t mean it tastes like regular lemonade. Red lemonade can actually have a different taste – it’s often a little sweeter than regular lemonade, and some people even say it tastes a bit like raspberries.

So there you have it kiddo: red lemonade is just like regular lemonade, except it’s red and may taste a little different because of the added coloring and sweetness.