ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Redox gradient

Alright kiddo, are you ready to learn about redox gradient? Redox gradient is like a ladder where each step is a different level of energy. At the top of the ladder is oxygen and at the bottom is carbon dioxide. The ladder represents the levels of energy that different chemicals have.

Now, you know that we all need energy to do things like walk, run or even just to breathe. Similarly, microorganisms like bacteria and fungi also need energy to do things like break down food, make energy, and grow. They get this energy by breaking down chemicals.

Redox gradient is important for microorganisms as they use different levels of energy from different chemicals to do what they need to. For example, they use chemicals like oxygen, nitrate, or sulfate to get energy from it. Oxygen is at the top of the ladder and is the most powerful chemical, so it gives off lots of energy. Carbon dioxide is at the bottom of the ladder and does not give off much energy.

Microorganisms will start using oxygen first because it gives off the most energy, then use other chemicals as they run out of oxygen. Redox gradient really helps microorganisms like bacteria and fungi to get the energy they need.