ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Have you ever played a game of hide-and-seek? Well, imagine you are hiding behind a big tree and your friend who is trying to find you yells, "Where are you?" You need to give them a clue so that they can find you, right? You might say, "I'm behind the big tree next to the pond." That's a reference!

In everyday life, we use references all the time to help communicate with each other. References are basically things we use to help identify or locate something else. Just like in the game of hide-and-seek, references are clues that help us figure things out.

But references don't always have to be about physical objects. They can be about ideas, concepts, or even people. For example, when we talk about famous people like Beyonce or LeBron James, we might reference their accomplishments, saying things like, "Beyonce is a great singer" or "LeBron played basketball for the Cleveland Cavaliers."

In more formal settings, like writing a research paper or giving a presentation, references become even more important. We use references to show where we got our information from and to make our ideas stronger. When we reference someone else's work, we give them credit for their ideas and show that our own ideas are based on research and evidence.

So, whether we're playing hide-and-seek, chatting with friends, or presenting a big project, references help us communicate and make sense of the world around us!