Okay kiddo, let me try to explain reformed worship to you in a way that is easy to understand. Reformed worship is a way of having church services that was created by some Christians who wanted to go back to how they think worship was done in the early days of Christianity.
So, when you go to church on Sunday, sometimes you sing songs, listen to a sermon or message, and take part in other special parts of the service, right? Well, in reformed worship, they do things a little bit differently.
One thing you might notice is that they might have less decorations or statues around the church. This is because they believe that we shouldn't focus too much on things that look fancy or pretty - instead, we should focus on God and what he has done.
Another thing you might notice is that they might sing songs that are a little bit different than what you're used to. Reformed Christians often sing hymns (which are like songs that have been around for a long time) instead of newer, more modern songs. They also tend to sing songs that have deep, meaningful lyrics that help them remember important things about God.
And lastly, in reformed worship, the message or sermon is really important. The person who is leading the service will often spend a lot of time talking about something from the Bible and how it applies to our lives today. They believe that the Bible is really important and that we should learn as much as we can from it.
So there you have it, kiddo - a brief explanation of reformed worship. It's all about focusing on God and what he has done, singing meaningful songs, and learning from the Bible.