ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Regenerative (design)

Regenerative design is like magic! Imagine you have a toy that is broken and you throw it away. But what if instead of throwing it away, you tried to fix it so it could work again? That's what regenerative design is all about.

Just like you can fix a broken toy, regenerative design tries to fix the problems that we have created in the world. For example, humans have caused a lot of pollution which makes the air and water dirty. Regenerative design tries to fix that by creating things like parks or green roofs that can clean the air and water.

Another problem is that we use up a lot of natural resources like water and trees to make things we need. Regenerative design tries to fix that by creating things that use less resources or by finding new ways to get them. For example, some buildings can collect rainwater to use instead of using up more water from the ground.

Regenerative design is like a superhero that tries to make the world a better place. And just like superheroes have special powers, regenerative design has special tools and ideas to help fix our problems.