ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Regions of Iran

Iran is a big country with many different parts, kind of like a big puzzle. Each part is called a region and they all have different things that make them unique, just like how different puzzle pieces fit together in different ways.

Some of the regions in Iran are called “mountainous regions,” which means they have lots of big, tall mountains. These mountains are really cool because they have snow on them all year round, even when it’s super hot outside. Other regions are called “desert regions,” which means there’s a lot of sand and not a lot of water. People who live in these regions have to be really careful about drinking enough water so they don’t get thirsty.

There are also regions in Iran that are near the ocean, called “coastal regions.” These are super fun places to visit because you can swim and play in the sand and sunbathe. There are also lots of cool fish and other sea creatures to see in the ocean.

In each region of Iran, there are different kinds of people who live there and speak different languages. They have their own traditions and cultures that make them special, just like how each piece of a puzzle is unique. Even though all of the regions fit together to make Iran, they are each their own special piece of the puzzle.