ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Regulation by algorithms

Ok kiddo, today we're going to talk about something called regulation by algorithms.

You know, sometimes people do things that they're not supposed to do like breaking the rules or being naughty. To make sure people follow the rules, we have something called regulations. These are like a set of instructions that say what people can and can't do.

Now, as you know computers or machines can follow instructions too. So, people thought why not create a set of instructions, called algorithms, that can help to regulate actions of different types of activities, from driving cars to trading stocks.

For example, let's say there's a rule that says cars can't drive too fast in a certain area. An algorithm can be created that monitors the speed of cars in that area, and if any cars go too fast, it can automatically send a message to the police to take action.

Similarly, in the world of finance, algorithms can be used to regulate the trading of stocks. They can detect any suspicious activities or irregularities in the market and automatically report them to the authorities.

So you see, regulations by algorithms help to make sure people are following the rules by using computers to watch what's going on and report any issues to the right people.