ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Release management

Okay, kiddo, let me explain what is "release management" in a very simple way.

Imagine you have a favorite toy that you want to share with your friends. You need to make sure that your toy is ready to play with and that your friends know what the rules are to use it. This is similar to what happens when software companies want to release a new version of their product, like a game or an app.

Release management is the process of making sure that the new version of the software is prepared and tested well enough so it does not have any problems or errors when people start using it. The process involves many steps, like making sure that the new version works with different devices, checking for bugs, and getting feedback from users to make sure that everything works as expected. Think of it as a way to make sure that the new version of the software is perfect before it reaches the hands of people who use it.

When the new version is ready, it is released, much like releasing your toy to your friends. People can start using it and give feedback to the company to tell them what they think about the new version, and they can make changes and updates based on that feedback.

So, release management is all about making sure that the new version of software or a game is ready, free from errors or bugs, and that it is exciting and fun to play with!