ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Religion in Lebanon

Religion in Lebanon is like a big family with lots of different kinds of people. Just like how some families have different religions, Lebanon has different religions too. Some people in Lebanon are Muslim, some are Christian, some are Druze, and some follow other beliefs.

Everyone is allowed to practice their own religion and worship in their own way without being punished for it. It's like when you have a favorite toy and your sibling has a different favorite toy, you both can play with your own toys without anyone telling you what to do.

People in Lebanon celebrate different holidays depending on their religion. Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, while Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter. They also have their own places of worship, like mosques for Muslims and churches for Christians.

Even though there are different religions in Lebanon, everyone tries to get along and live in peace. They help each other out and work together to make Lebanon a better place. Just like how you and your friends might be different but still play together and help each other out.