ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Remediation (Marxist theory)

Hello there! Today we are going to talk about remediation in Marxist theory.

So, let’s say you have a toy that doesn't work properly. Your parents may try to fix it, right? That's kind of like what remediation means. It refers to the process of making something better or fixing something that is "broken."

Now, let's talk about how this applies to Marxist theory. In Marxism, remediation refers to the process of fixing societal problems that are caused by capitalism. You see, Marxism is a theory that focuses on social and economic inequalities created by capitalism.

In Marxist theory, capitalists (the people who own and control businesses) are seen as exploiting workers by paying them less than they are worth so they can make more money for themselves. This leads to a lot of problems in society, such as poverty, unemployment, and inequality.

So, what can be done about these problems? Marxists believe that remediation is the answer. This means fixing the social and economic problems created by capitalism by implementing measures that put workers first.

For example, remediation could mean creating labor unions that protect workers' rights, implementing progressive tax policies that make the rich pay more to fund social programs, or even creating a socialist economic system where workers own and control their workplace.

Overall, remediation in Marxist theory is about fixing the problems created by capitalism and creating a more just society. It's kind of like fixing a toy that doesn't work properly so that it can be used in the way it was intended.