ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rental family service

Okay kiddo, so let me explain to you what a rental family service means. Have you ever heard of renting things like toys or books from a library? Similarly, just like how you can rent things, some people choose to 'rent' families for different reasons.

So, rental family service is a business where you can hire a family to spend time with you or to do things with you like going on vacations, celebrating special days or just to spend time with you. It's like a pretend family that is paid to make you feel like you're part of a family.

Now you may wonder, why somebody might want to rent a family? Well, some people don't have families or don't get along with their families, and they want to experience what it feels like to be part of one. Other times people just want to make special memories with a family or have someone to talk to.

But it's important to understand that these are not 'real' families, and it's just a service to simulate the experience of being part of one. It's also important to remember that having a family is not something that can be rented but built over time through love and care.