ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Repatriation of Poles (1944–1946)

Ok kiddo, so during World War II, some countries in Europe were taken over by the Germans. This meant that a lot of things, including statues and monuments, were taken away from those countries and brought to Germany. One of the things that was taken was a set of big poles that had a special meaning to the people in Poland.

After the war ended in 1945, the Allies, which were the winning countries, decided that they needed to put things back to the way they were before the war. This meant that they wanted to give everything back to the countries from which they had been taken. So, the Allies started looking for all of the things that had been taken during the war, including the poles that had been taken from Poland.

They found the poles in Germany and tried to figure out how to get them back to Poland. It was a bit tricky because they were so big and heavy, but eventually they came up with a plan. They took the poles apart and put them on trucks and trains to transport them back to Poland.

When the poles arrived in Poland, the people were very happy to have them back. They were a symbol of their country and what it meant to them. It was a really important thing to have back after everything they had gone through during the war. And that's basically what happened with the repatriation of poles from 1944 to 1946.