ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
Examples: ego, surge, kook, eclipse, uganda

Representation of the People Act 1884

Ok kiddo, so a long, long time ago in the year 1884, the grown-ups in charge of making the rules for voting in England wanted to make some changes to who could vote.

Before this act, only men who owned property or had a lot of money were allowed to vote. But the grown-ups thought it would be a good idea to let more people have a say in who gets to be in charge.

So, they made a new rule called the Representation of the People Act. This act said that men who paid rent and had a certain amount of money in the bank could also vote. This meant that even if they didn’t own any property, they still had a say in who got to run the country.

But, they still didn’t let women vote. It wasn’t until many years later, in 1918, that women were finally allowed to vote too.

Overall, the Representation of the People Act in 1884 was an important step in making sure that more people had a say in how their country was run.