ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Research institute

A research institute is a place where scientists and other smart people work to find out new things about the world. It's like a big playground for really smart people!

Think of it like you're playing a really fun game, but instead of toys or balls, scientists use special tools like microscopes, computers, and test tubes to explore and learn new things.

Scientists at the research institute might study all sorts of things, like animals, plants, weather, or even things that happen inside your body. They do this by asking lots and lots of questions, trying out different experiments, and carefully observing everything around them.

Their goal is to find out more about the world we live in and to use what they learn to help make things better for people and the environment. If they discover something new, like a new cure for a disease or a way to make cars use less gas, they'll share it with everyone so that we can all benefit from their work.