ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Resection (free stationing)

Okay kiddo, imagine there is a big balloon in your tummy called the stomach. Sometimes, when someone is sick or needs to remove a part of their stomach, doctors might do something called a resection. This means they cut out a piece of the balloon so it’s smaller.

Now, when they take out that piece of the balloon, they need to do something so the balloon can still work properly, right? That’s where free stationing comes in. Free stationing is like moving the balloon around so it can still hold things and move food from your mouth to the smaller balloon.

Basically, the doctor will take the end of the smaller balloon that is now missing a part and attach it to a different part of the balloon so it can still work. This way, the balloon can still do its important job of helping you digest food even though it’s a little bit smaller.