ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Resistance Inside the Army

Okay kiddo, so let me explain resistance inside the army. The army is a group of people who work together to protect their country. Sometimes, some people in the army may not agree with what their leaders are doing or saying, and they might not want to follow orders or rules. This is called resistance.

Think of it like playing a game with your friends. Sometimes, your friend might want to play a different game than you, or they might not want to follow the rules. This can cause some disagreements, and it's the same idea in the army.

But you see, in the army, it's very important to listen to your leaders and follow the rules. People's lives could be in danger if someone doesn't follow orders properly. This is why resistance can be a big problem.

Sometimes resistance happens because of different opinions or ideas, but sometimes it can also happen because of bad behavior or not understanding the rules. When this happens, it's important for the leaders to try to understand why people are resisting and try to find a solution that still keeps everyone safe.

So, in summary, resistance in the army is when some people might not want to follow orders or rules, and it's important to understand why this is happening and find a solution to keep everyone safe.